AWS Advanced Networking – Part 2

In this walk-through, we’ll look at forming a hybrid cloud architecture utilizing an AWS VPC and a mock “On-Premise” site, connecting the two via a site-to-site VPN. In my first post on this topic (Part 1), we leveraged another VPC to mimic the on-prem environment utilizing a Cisco Cloud Service Router, linking the two via a AWS VPN Gateway and an AWS Customer Gateway. In this post, we’ll be performing the exact same actions on the AWS side; however, to mimic the “on-prem” side, we won’t use another AWS VPC. This time, we’ll use GNS3 on your local computer to form a site-to-site VPN from your GNS3 topology to the AWS VPC. In this setup, there are a few advantages. First, flexibility: you’ll be able to connect any topology you dream up in GNS3 to an AWS VPC to truly test out complex routing and switching connectivity. Second, lower cost for testing; in this case, you’ll only burn $0.05 per hour for the VPN connection in AWS, instead of $0.096 per hour for both the VPN and CSR running. So with that…

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